The right choice of store equipment realistically affects sales results. So when putting together the various components, it is good to pay attention to what you are buying. What kind of pet store furniture to choose? What to look out for? The answer in the article below.


Furniture for a pet store – necessary elements

When planning the space in a pet store, first of all, it is necessary to purchase the right furniture. Among the most important are sturdy shelves, as well as racks on which to place lighter products. Of course, you can’t forget about special built-ins. They are the ones that allow you to visually enlarge the room and provide storage space for your inventory, which is especially important in small spaces.


Details worth paying attention to

Planning the available space is not enough, of course. The next step will be to choose a good manufacturer to supply the finished equipment. What to look for when choosing a furniture factory? The most important thing is the material from which the furniture is made. A good choice is a high-quality material that is easy to clean, such as tempered glass or metal.

Also important is safety and such aspects as low flammability of the materials from which the furniture buildings are created. If in doubt, it is worth asking for relevant quality certificates or approvals. Gathering all the relevant information will help you make the best decision.


Customized pet store furniture – the best choice

We know very well that tailor-made solutions to specific needs are necessary in a pet store. In some outlets you can buy not only accessories, but also small animals such as fish, hamsters or guinea pigs. This is why you should consider ordering customized furniture. Why is this a good solution? First of all, furniture for a pet store made to measure:

  • will allow more efficient use of free space,
  • will be best suited to the assortment being sold, such as pet food, aquariums or specialized instruments,
  • will ensure the safety of the animals that are in the store,
  • will help to better display the available goods.


Good quality pet store furniture that will be in the store will last for many years and provide the expected safety. In addition, in the event of any change in assortment, they will provide an optimal amount of free space.

If you need help in designing an interior that is functional contact our specialists. The Vonart company will not only create a furniture design for you, but will also provide workmanship and professional installation. Check out our offer and create a pet store that is friendly to both visiting customers and household pets.